

Photography and video for Realtors

Your sale can compete with the entire available market, most publish their listing with poor quality photos taken with their cell phone, or even taken by the owners. That's very good, because this way your product can be highlighted better, aerial photos that give the client a broader vision, highlighting the main characteristics of the property, with an exceptional "Bird eye" visual.

We use high-resolution cameras with professional optical sensors, light and a correct angle do make a difference. In addition, you can also request digital retouching of images when we are in dark days, or in the winter season but the business cannot stop, the register must ring.

Your photos and videos will make the difference in that CLICK you need from a new client.

Let millions take their cell phone photos, better for you, before your listing ask the current owner to provide you with professional photos, or do it yourself if the price of the property and the commission are easily paid for.

For a special effect in marketing, in certain properties of high value, or that you want to sell faster, you can highlight the architectural design and exterior lighting with photos taken at "Blue Hour". This regularly occurs between 6:09am-6:28am or 5:52-6:11pm (varies with location and season), the pilot must be prepared with a flight plan to be able to take the best photos at that time.

We can also capture the magnificence of the property and its main characteristics in the "Golden Hour" 6:28am-7:16am or 5:04pm-5:52pm (varies with the place and the season), likewise the pilot must be prepared with a flight plan to be able to take the best photos at that moment.


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